Solo Exhibitions


Art Windsor Essex, Cracks in the Clockwork, Windsor, CA


Daniel Faria Gallery, The Weight, The Worry + The Wag, Toronto, CA


SFU Audain Gallery, Knock on Wood + Whistle, Vancouver, CA


Capture Photography Festival, Cut & Paste, billboard on Fraser @ 15th, Vancouver, CA 

Polygon Gallery, I Spy, North Vancouver, CA


Contact Photography Festival, Milky Way Smiling, Toronto, CA


Daniel Faria Gallery, Ageless Ambiguity, Toronto, CA


Evergreen Cultural Centre, The Future Is Coming Everyday, Coquitlam, CA

Burrard Arts Foundation, To you it was fast, Vancouver, CA


Vancouver Art Gallery Offsite, The Experience, Vancouver, CA

Daniel Faria Gallery, The Challenge of Abstraction, Toronto, CA


Gallery 295, I really do believe the best thing a person can do with themselves is expand their mind. Vancouver, CA


Daniel Faria Gallery, Banal Baroque, Toronto, CA


Contemporary Art Gallery, On Time, Vancouver, CA (On Time was shown concurrently with the co-curated by Elizabeth Zvonar and Jenifer Papararo exhibition Face Up, featuring works by Lee Lozano, Bruce Nauman and Sarah Lucas).

The Western Front There Are No Rules, Vancouver, CA


Malaspina Printmakers, Super Human Be In, Vancouver CA


Artspeak Gallery, Parallel Dimension, Vancouver, CA

Group Exhibitions

2022 Southern Alberta Art Gallery, The Faceless Familiar, Lethbridge, CA

2021 Canada House with Or Gallery, Shimmering Horizons, London UK

2020 Musée d’art Joliette, Afterimages, Joliette, CA


The Morris and Helen Belkin Gallery, Beginning with the Seventies: Glut, Vancouver, CA

VisArts, Deep Flash: On Art and Transformation, Rockville, MD, US


The Drake One Fifty, Skin Deep, Skimming the Pages, Toronto, CA

Aga Khan Museum, HERE: Locating Contemporary Canadian Artists, Toronto, CA


AGO, Aimia Photography Prize Exhibition, Toronto, CA

Soil Gallery, Just Visiting, Seattle, US

Burnaby Art Gallery, New Acquisitions, CA

Daniel Faria Gallery, Histories of Art, Toronto, CA

Art Labour, Teleportation, Shanghai, CN


Western Front, Cut, Vancouver CA

All Rise, The Quiet Music Festival of Portland in Seattle, Seattle, WA


Audain Gallery, The Biography of Images, Parallel Biographies, Vancouver CA

Exercise, Crystal Tongue, curated by Amy Kazymerchyk, Vancouver, CA

Vancouver Art Gallery/Evergreen Cultural Centre, Touring exhibition - Unreal, Coquitlam, CA


Belkin Satellite, Elegant Disorder: Perspectives on Porcelain, Vancouver, CA

Equinox Project Space, Cut & Paste, Vancouver, CA

Presentation House Gallery, Phantasmagoria, North Vancouver, CA

Oakville Gallery, Freedom of Assembly, Oakville, CA


Daniel Faria Gallery, New Meditations, Toronto, CA

Kamloops Art Gallery, An Era of Discontent, Art as Occupation, Kamloops, CA


Vancouver Art Gallery, Unreal, Vancouver, CA

Museum of Longing and Failure, Jan. 28 - Mar. 4, 2011, Bergen, NO


Galerie Rostrum, Post It, Malmo, SW

The Lion’s Den, Sea Change, Vancouver, CA

Simon Fraser University Gallery, The Things We Do, Vancouver, CA

The Pavillion, The New Paradigm: Models, Diagrams and Proposals for the Coming Age, Vancouver, CA

Mercer Union, Days of the Eclipse, Toronto, CA

City of Vancouver Cultural Olympiad, Endlessly Traversed Landscapes, Vancouver, CA


Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen, All That’s Solid Melts Into Air, (Part II: The Thing), curated by Dieter Roelstraete, A MuHKA exhibition in co production with MMMechelen, Mechelen, BE


Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Exponential Future, Vancouver, CA


Cohan and Leslie Gallery, Fade Away and Radiate, New York, US


Contemporary Art Gallery, Concrete Language, Vancouver, CA

Western Front Gallery, Until Then Then, Vancouver, CA

Queensland University of Technology, H Block Gallery, The End, Brisbane, AU

Geisai #9, Something Pale Pink, Tokyo, JP


The National University Library, The Contemporary Library Project, Pristina, Kosovo

Sign Gaienmae Gallery, Birdo Flugas Project, Tokyo, JP

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